How is Bertolli olive oil produced ?

Bertolli olive oil is pressed from the best olives grown on fertile soil under the hot Meditearranean sun. The ripe olives are harvested from November through February. Soon after harvesting, the olives are crushed mechanically. Around five kilos of olives are needed to produce one litre of olive oil.

The crushing process produces pure olive pulp from which the precious Bertolli olive oil is pressed. This is called the first cold pressing. All Bertolli extra virgin olive oil are obtainedfrom this first pressing, after which they are only purified and bottled. This keeps the olive oil naturally and gives it a long shelf life without any artificial additives.

What is the difference between "normal" olive oil and extra virgin olive oil ?

The difference between “normal” olive oil and extra virgin olive oil is the way in which the olives are processed. Extra virgin olive oil is obtained directly from olives which are cold-pressed as soon as possible after harvesting, so that the full flavor and fragrance are retained. It is delicious in salads, sauces and pastas, for example! Olive oil undergoes further processing after the first pressing, making it easier to heat without burning. The olive oil varieties Classico and Extra Light are therefore perfect for frying, roasting, grilling, baking and deep-frying.

What is meant by "cold-pressed" and "first-pressed" ?

“Cold-pressed” describes the production of olive oil at temperatures below 27 degrees Celsius. Bertolli olive oil is always cold-pressed.”First-pressed” means olive oil which is obtained from the first pressing of the olives (the first extraction). At Bertolli, we believe in quality above all else. That’s why Bertolli’s experts have developed a seven-step quality program: from analyzing the olives at the beginning of the harvesting season through to carrying out taste tests.This approach guarantees that each bottle of Bertolli olive oil is of outstanding quality and tastes exactly as described on the bottle.

How is Bertolli different from any other brand in the market ?

Bertolli is the No1 Olive Oil in the world. It ensures premium quality of olives and their nutritional benefits for every bottle produced. We have a ZERO chemical process of refinement in our brand, whereas others may have a chemical process involved.

Can Extra Virgin be used for cooking ?

Yes, but it has a lower heating point than Classico & E tra Light. To gain maximum benefits of Extra Virgin, use it for cold cooking like – salads, dips and marinades.

I don't Iike the taste of olive oils.

You can try Bertolli Extra Light, it ha a very mild & light flavour and does not alter the taste of food. It is good for your health and we suggest you try it.

Can I cook Indian food in this oil ?

Yes, it is suitable for cooking all Indian dishes. You can use it for daily cooking.

Is olive oil good for your health ?

Olive oil is not only delicious, but healthy too! For example, olive oil contains more unsaturated fatty acids than butter, margarine and other oils. These unsaturated fatty acids replace the “bad” fats in our body, reducing our cholesterol levels as a result. Scientific research has shown that the use of olive oil greatly reduces the chance of a heart attack caused by the clogging of the blood vessels.

Olive oil also contains natural antioxidants which protect our cells against ageing. Furthermore, olive oil leaves no waste products of any kind in the body as it is 100% digestible, unlike other oils.

Does olive oil reduce the chance of a heart attack ?

Scientific research has shown that the use of olive oil greatly reduces the chance of a heart attack caused clogging of the blood vessels.

Olive oil contains more unsaturated fatty acids than butter, margarine and other oils. These unsaturated acids replace the “bad” fats in our body, reducing our cholesterol levels as a result. Olive oil also contains antioxidants which protect our cells against ageing.

Are unsaturated fatty acids healthy ?

Like any oil, olive oil contains fatty acids, but in the case of olive oil more than 70% of these fatty acids are monounsaturated fatty acids. This fatty acid has a more beneficial effect on the cholesterol in the body than polyunsaturated fatty acids (such as sunflower oil) based on linoleic acid. Linoleic acid reduces cholesterol in the absolute sense. Olive oil does this too, however not to the same extent as polyunsaturated fatty acids. However, what is more important is that olive oil also changes the composition of the cholesterol. In the case of olive oil, therefore, it works both ways. Olive oil changes the composition so that the “bad” cholesterol LDL decreases in respect of the “good” cholesterol HDL. It is precisely this good cholesterol HDL which prevents the clogging of the blood vessels, which can cause heart attacks. In addition, it leaves no waste products of any kind in the body, as it is 100% digestible.

What are monounsaturated fatty acids ?

Fats consists of three different types of fatty acids: saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Saturated fatty acids mainly occur in animal products. They can increase the level of cholesterol in the blood, thus increasing the chance of cardiovascular diseases. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids mainly occur in plant-based oils. Both types, but mainly polyunsaturated fatty acids, can in fact reduce cholesterol levels.

Is olive oil 100% digestible ?

Not all fats are absorbed into the body in the same way. Recent studies in this field have demonstrated that olive oil is 100% digestible, whereas other oils are far less digestible, as shown by the overview below :

  • Olive oil: 100%
  • Sunflower oil: 83%
  • Groundnut oil: 81%
  • Linseed oil: 79%
  • Sesame oil: 57%
  • Poppy-seed oil: 48%
  • Corn oil: 36%

Does Bertolli olive oil contain allergens ?

Bertolli olive oil is 100% natural and allergen-free.

Does Bertolli olive oil contain aromas or flavourings ?

Bertolli olive oil is 100% natural and does not contain any aromas or flavourings.

What are the nutritional values of Bertolli olive oil ?

The nutritional values of all Bertolli olive oil varieties are as follows per 100ml :

  • Energy/ Calories: 3389 KJ/ 824 kcal.
  • Proteins: 0 g
  • Carbohydrates: 0 g
  • Of which sugars: 0 g
  • Fats 91 g
  • Of which saturated fats: 12 g
  • Of which monounsaturated fast: 72 g
  • Of which polyunsaturated fats: 7 g
  • Cholesterol: 0 mg
  • Fibre: 0 g
  • Sodium: 0 g
  • Vitamin E: 18 g (150% of Recommended Daily Amount)

Can I use Olive Oil for hair & skin care ?

Yes, Olive Oil has high quantity of Vitamin E and is very beneficial for hair and skin care as well.

Which Bertolli olive oil is suitable for salads / dressings ?

Extra virgin olive oil has a full flavor and is therefore suitable for cold use. This really brings out the fragrance and flavor. The different varieties of Bertolli extra virgin should mainly be used in salads, as the basis for dressings or dips or to add an extra taste dimension to pasta dishes, soups and sauces, for example.

Bertolli extra virgin is available in the varieties Originales, Gentile and Organic.

Can I also use Bertolli olive oil for baking/ frying/ roasting/ grilling ?

Bertolli olive oil is perfect for baking, frying, roasting and grilling. Research has shown that olive oil is more resistant to high temperatures than other oils. What’s more , olive oil is healthier than many other fats and oils. For example, olive oil contains more unsaturated fatty acids than butter, margarine and other oils. These usaturatted fatty acids replace the “bad” fats in our body, reducing our cholesterol levels as a result.

The Bertolli olive oil varieties Classico and Extra light are best for “warm” uses such as baking, frying, roasting, grilling and deep-frying. This is because these varieties are refined after pressing, making them more suitable for heating.

Can I use Bertolli olive oil for deep-frying ?

Bertolli olive oil is certainly suitable for deep-frying. It is best to use Bertolli Classico or Extra Light for this. This is because Bertolli Classico and Extra light are refined after the first pressing, making them more suitable for heating.

However, deep-frying with olive oil at a temperature above 200 degrees Celsius is best avoided. It is important to change the olive oil after it has been used about 8 times. For the best results, allow the products you wish to deep-fry to reach room temperature first.

Do you have a different question ?

Please contact Bertolli olive oil for more information.